Rabu, 18 Maret 2015


Kabayan :"why build city parks in jakarta?"

Dul : "Because city parks clean the air, tree foliage works as a natural air filter of particulate matter such as dust, micro sized metals and pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides, ammonia and sulfur dioxides. City parks take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Combined with the cooling effect of trees, these processes can have a significant impact on reducing smog and overall air pollution.

Den bagus:"city parks improve water quality. A healthy urban forest can have a strong indluence on our region's water quality. Tree canopies and root systems slows and reduce  storm water run off, flooding and erosion. City parks also help filter water run off reducing potential sources of water pollution into  our  rivers and storm drains."

Dul : " city parks save energy. City parks cool the air naturally in two ways: through water evaporating from the leaves and direct shades
Homes shaded by trees need less energy for cooling which means lower monthly utility bills in summer and a reduced need for utilities to increase power generation to meet peak load demand."

Den bagus :" city parks raise real estate value, shaded neighborhoods and well-lanscaped yards have a positive economic influence on real estate values, timeliness of house sales and neighborhood desirability. Studies report that landscaping speeds the sale of home by four to six weeks.

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