Selasa, 13 November 2012


     CONFUSED 2 
Dul: “kabayan.. I had a bad experience when  I did shopping because of the shop assistance’s fault. " However  the security officer of the shop really embarrassed me. He accused me of stealin a pair of blue jeans.

"That was a Sunday aftiernoon I went to a fashion shop with my girlfriend ,I chose a pair of blue jean to buy and paid for them at the cashier. Unfortunately, the shop assistance was careless. She forgot to take the censor clip on the blue jean. So,when I left the shop, the detector  beeped. The security officer shouted at me,”hey, you! …Stop!...

        "Then he took me to the manager’s room."

       " After examining, the security officer and the manager realized that it was not my fault."
        "They said they were very sorry about what had happened."

Kabayan: Saya malah punya pengalaman lebih buruk,bersama pacar saya ,jalan jalan.Tanpa komunikasi Ternyata……..

Dul: ternyata apaan yan……….

Kabayan:"Dia berencana membeli pakaian dalam,ketika saya lihat harganya,sayakaget
harga pakaian dalamnya senilai gaji saya satu bulan,sialnya saya tahu ketika dia sudah bayar di kasir. Sambil pulang sepanjang jalan saya marah,heran… dia juga marah marah.

                  Kami saling marah memarahi.

Dul: Kabayan..coba kamu analisa tentang apa yang ada di alam pikiran dia, yang sesuai dengan kondisi keinginannya waktu belanja,maka kamu akan membelikan pakaian dalam satu lagi buat ganti-ganti,Kabayan,sebenarnya dia tahu tidak gaji kamu berapa…

Kabayan:" dia tidak tahu gaji saya berapa."

Dul: Terang aja pacarmu marah,kabayan,ngebayarin kagak pake ngelarang segala.Kabayan…
        Kamu marah kenapa?

Kabayan: "sedih,bagaimana saya bisa mencukupi segala kebutuhan rumah tangga nanti,kalau  satu harga pakaian                 dalamnya saja senilai gaji saya sebulan.😢

Dul: “sedih sih marah… 😠   lain kali ngomomg aja terus terang kalau beli lagi yang senilai satu persen dari                                                                 
           Gajimu sebulan, wuih bisa dapat banyak……😆.

                                 JAKARTA    THE BIG VALLEY

Jakarta is located on the northwest coast of Java island at the mouth of the ciliwung river. The city lies on a flat low plain area and is likely to be affected by flood during periods of heavy rainfall. After a day of countinous raining, people walking knee-deep in water is a common sight everywhere in Jakarta. Floods still reign every rainy season. We can solve the problem of floods on three different levels. On a personal level ,we should make a habit of living healthy, for example, by not littering, always making sure garbage goes into the rubbish bin. On a family level we can start digging biopore infiltration holes-holes of 10 cm in diameter-around the house. These holes allow roots and other living organisms to grow, resulting in the soil’s better absorption of water. On the highest level, the government needs to enforce the law on protecting our forest.

God created the universe, we should be grateful to our creator for what God has done for us. We just have to look around to be aware of the beauty that surrounds u, pleasant indeed is the land that God has given us to live in, it is only natural that we show our gratitude by talking good care of His gift and not destroying or polluting it.

God created the blue mountainous within the jungles, the drifting clouds above, the fresh air to be enjoyed, to be cared and to be loved. However sometimes we, human beings, destroy His gifts without thinking of the future, without thinking others, we only consider ourselves, our pleasure and our greediness. We should protect and not destroy our natural inheritance. We should save our environment in order to make our lives better today and for the future.

Keeping the environment healthy is the responsibility of each individual, society, and government. Today many new problems must be solved in order to save our natural resources and to protect people from environmental danger. The government has possed new laws to make our environment a save and healthy one to live in. but there still many dangers that affect our health in the future. The success of laws to control these dangers depend on THE COOPERATION  of government, society, and each individual.

Jakarta dominates Indonesia’s administration, economy, and cultural activities, and is a major  commercial and transportation harb within Asia. Air pollution is a very common problem in cities of more than 1.000.000. people. Automobile exhausts and industrial wastes are often the cause of air pollution in Jakarta. The air that we breathe contains such gases as oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide in certain amounts, but many people live in areas where the air contains pollutants that may be harmful to our health.

The climate of Jakarta is hot and humid, rainfall occurs throughout the year, the heaviest rainfall is from November to May. Suatu hari di pertengahan musim hujan, Kabayan dan Dul berteduh dari derasnya hujan dibawah jembatan layang, mereka pake motor. Sambil menunggu hujan reda Kabayan membuka pembicaraan.

Kabayan:  ‘’Mengapa Jakarta kebanjiran di musim hujan ya DUL…?


Kabayan: Itukan kata kamu dul…

Dul: ada 13 anak sungai ciliwung plus rawa-rawa diantaranya rawa bunga, rawa badak, rawa buaya, rawa mangun…..
Kabayan: itukan kata kamu dul…..

Dul: nah lu harus tau yan bukitnya juga kena banjir, contohnya bukit duri
Kabayan: itukan kata kamu dul….

Dul: trus menurutmu apa?

Kabayan: air hujan dari kota hujan bogor puncak mau lewat menuju laut melalui Jakarta….kalau hujan bisa ngomong maka hujan akan mengatakan”punten……punten….saya mau lewat, punten…punten…saya mau ke laut…”

Dul: kabayan asal nyablak….ha…ha…ha……[9x] karena terhibur dul langsung nyanyi lagu bang Benjamin” Jakarta kebanjiran…. Di bogor angin ngamuk…..

Dul nyanyi,kabayan malah melamun….”seandainya….supposing that our community is very clean, the sanitation department is very good in ourneighbourhood. They pick up the garbage three times a week, they also have mechanical sweepers that come around three times a week. The men who pick up the garbage work very hard. They come around in the garbage truck in all kinds of weather. It is nice to live in clean community……
gubrak… lamunan kabayan buyar dengar suara dul

Dul: woi…..kabayan…yu…jalanin motornya hujan udah berhenti….lu malah bengong…ngelonjor[ngelamun jorok]
Kabayan: iya ngelamunin sampah…

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